Wednesday, October 22, 2008

{too cute}

I just had to share this. There's a gal at our church that is pregnant with her first child and I decided to knit a baby sweater for her. So I set off looking for a pattern. 1) it had to be free, 2) it had to be cute with a hipness about it and 3) be easy. I found a few patterns but narrowed it down to the Berroco "Baby Picchu." Well I finished it yesterday. I knit it in a different yarn than called for and didn't knit it exactly as the instructions called for. I only changed a couple of rows though, so that is why it doesn't look just like the one in the pattern pic. Here it is in pieces...

Drumroll please....ta-da! Sorry about the lighting being different.

And another angle. Thanks to my dear mother for crocheting the flower and the button loop. My very first sweater project, baby ones count too you know, completed. And I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Plus I think it is absolutely darling!

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