Thursday, November 27, 2008

{give thanks}

Happy Thanksgiving to you dear readers! I just wanted to leave a quick note. Today is a day to remember and give thanks. So here are the things I'm thankful for -

~ My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
~ Family
~ Friends
~ A happy home, good food and warm clothes
~ The talents and skills I've been granted so that I may serve God and others
~ Trials and hard times to remind me of the mercy of God
~ Pleasant times to remind me of the goodness of God

What will you give thanks for today? Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Just one more week until my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. A time to remember and reflect upon our rich history. I know that the leaves have fallen and the trees are bare, but there is an air of promise and hope. Maybe it's just the invigorating north wind blowing in my face. And yet, one cannot but think of how Fall is a picture of life. There are times when the joy is mingled with the sadness. When we realize that death and birth are necessary to each other, we become reconciled to the sadness and are able to embrace the joy. If the leaves did not fall, we wouldn't have flowers later. Then the flowers fade so the verdant foliage may break forth. It is the ultimate reminder that God's ways are perfect. Everything in due season. Everything in its time. I can see this in my own life. I do not like to be rushed. If I have a deadline, I'll take care of it, but don't push me. Socially, I was a late bloomer. I was a severe wallflower until a couple of years ago and used to be embarrassed about it but now I feel that it was for the best. I am still no social butterfly but I am at ease in society now. Enough about me...see, this is what happens when you are an only child.

I have added some Fall-ish/Thanksgivingy themed music to my player. I had the hardest time finding a Doxology that I liked. The one on the player wouldn't have been my first choice, but I really wanted to include Doxology and you could say this track grew on me. My best friends' family sometimes sings Doxology instead of saying a prayer before meals and they sound fabulous, so I think that is why I had a hard time finding one that sounded "right." I was hoping for an a capella version. I once saw someone call a capella cold and boring. They have obviously never heard what I hear every Sunday morning. My family goes to a church that sings without instruments. Oh the boxes we live in...

Now to tell you the story behind the pictures. Early in October I went out one morning to get some sunrise shots. I love doing this, except when I forget an empty dog food sack and come back in with a wet rear and knees. So I was walking along when I saw this spider web right in my path. The dew just sparkled on the fine filaments. God is awesome!

After I took several pictures of this wonder I turned aside so that I didn't disturb Mr. Spider thinking to myself what other marvels I would see that morning when lo and behold I caught sight of this...

A dragonfly with the dew still on its wings! Now that's something you don't see everyday. I stand amazed at the ingenuity of the Creator. These next two I took one evening a day later. I love Fall!

Whew, that was long winded. Sorry dear reader. I shouldn't ramble on so. But sometimes I just can't help myself...