our Sadie cat
And just this morning Mama, in an effort to help protect our computer, turned of the script and other functions. So I get on to check out what's going on in Homeschool Alumni land and it keeps asking me if it is okay to run the scripts. On every single page! At first it was funny, until I was looking for something on you tube. Well you know that row of currently watched videos that rolls over every however many seconds? Uh-huh...yeah it asked for permission every single rollover which made it nigh impossible to type anything into the search bar. So I would click "yes", type the next letter, click "yes", type the next letter, etc, etc, etc. Bless Mama, she came in and fixed it. I love the everyday amusing things that make me laugh.
Now for some exciting news. I recieved my first check from my Cafe Press store Helluo Librorum! I'm lazy today, link is on the side bar. Huzzah! Plus I wanted to show you one of the things I made for our Etsy shop Some Spare Parts. Again, link is on the left. It's a wooden bangle covered with snippets from a "Pride and Prejudice" book. Don't worry, it was a junk copy I picked up at a garage sale for crafting. That was my only consolation in destroying a classic book.
Something else I've been enjoying recently is a Chris Rice DVD for his "Amusing" album. I love the songs "When Did You Fall", which is on the music player, and "The Final Move." I cried when I heard it. Yeah, it's that good. Awesome, inspiring and touching lyrics and beautiful music. Like C.S. Lewis was able to capture spiritual truths in an understandable format, "The Final Move" gives us a soundbite of truth. It reminds us that no matter what happens, there is hope and that God is soverign and in control. And nothing is a mistake. Things happen for a reason.
It was love that set this fragile planet rolling
Tilting at our perfect twenty-three
Molecules and men infused with holy
Finding our way around the galaxy
And Paradise has up and flown away for now
But hope still breathes and truth is always true
And just when we think it's almost over
Love has the final move
Love has the final move
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