Okay, so I know I haven't posted in ages, life has been so busy! I got home a week ago from a delightful and wonderful vacation in Colorado with 200+ other homeschoolers. It was the Homeschool Alumni 2009 National Reunion. This was HSA's fourth reunion but the first time I was able to go. I cannot begin to tell about everything that happened over those four days, but I will give some highlights, funny moments, and my thoughts. The new song on the playlist, "Inside Outside" by Delirious?, became our unofficial song during the reunion.
Wednesday, August 12, I packed up and my parents drove me to the spot where my carpool had arranged to pick me up. We all spent the night at a friends house and hit the road bright and early on our way to Larkspur, Colorado. In the van were six excited girls and all our luggage with Justin following in his car. Driving through western Kansas is not my idea of a good time, but the company of friends well made up for the boring scenery. I switched to Justin's car about halfway to keep him company. He was so bored the day before he had resorted to singing songs in a Muppet voice. *laughs* We discussed a variety of topics so there was no need for Muppet voices. After getting lost, isn't that required on road trips?, we arrived safely at our destination.
getting closer to the mountains!
yours truly in the mirror
finally there! woo hoo!
The much anticipated reunion was under way! We hauled our stiff bodies out of the vehicles and headed for registration. I didn't know but a couple other people other than my carpool so they were very kind to "adopt" me. I had met most of them last year in Kansas City at a HSA mini-reunion. Therefore we stuck to each other like glue the first few hours until more people showed up and we could find some familiar faces. Mind you, homeschoolers are almost instant friends, it's the introducing yourself hurdle you have to jump first.
inside the "bear claw" for the opening ceremony
At 5:00pm was the opening ceremony and we all gathered at the main meeting place, which Riley renamed the "Bear Claw" (rawr!) [inside joke]. After that it was time for supper. The place that hosted us, Ponderosa Baptist Conference Center, has great food! Nothing to complain about there! By this time I was getting homesick. I had never been away from home without a family member before so this was a BIG adventure. I called home but nobody answered! Or the cell phone! So I left a voicemail telling them we had arrived safely and I would talk to them later. After that it was time to gather for the "Meet Your Team" session. There were eight teams and I was on the brown team. So we introduced ourselves and played "Do You Love Your Neighbor?" I sat out since I had never played it before, someone else sat it out too. Which was almost as fun as actually being in the game.
Then at 8:30pm we had a bonfire in the fire pit inside the "Bear Claw" (rawr!). Had live jazz music to add to the atmosphere, which was awesome! I stayed until about 10:30 talking to people and soaking up my surroundings. But a warm bed was calling my name so I headed out hoping the next day would be great too.
Coming soon! - Days 2, 3, and 4! Plus more pictures!
1 comment:
First time away from home without family? That can be hard. Glad you managed.
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