Tuesday, April 22, 2008

War of the Worldviews

Thank you Ben Stein! It's about time a thought provoking film made it to the main stream. My family went and saw this documentary yesterday afternoon and we were thrilled. It's not everyday that you get to see a balanced, well made film that doesn't cram the Humanistic worldview down your throat. Yes, this film is based on the raging war between the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Intelligent Design. But what I really appreciated about this movie was the fact that it touched on the root cause of this struggle. A war of worldviews. In one corner Humanism, in the other Christianity. Why though in our schools do we not allow two differing view points concerning science? An honest discussion of all sides of the issue. I thought that we wanted to give our children a well rounded education. Well it can't be well rounded and complete if they only hear one side of the story. Are we saying that we are not smart enough to weigh the evidence and decide for ourselves? Do we have to be told what to do? And if Intelligent Design didn't have a valid point, why then do evolutionists play pop goes the weasle everytime they smell a hint of it? If you haven't seen this film go see it. Here's the website where they have more great stuff - http://www.expelledthemovie.com

P.S. - I believe in the "big bang theory," God spoke and BANG!, it happened.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Thus Will Shine The Dawn"

Morning Blossoms
Originally uploaded by satis verborum
I love mornings. The promise of a fresh start is a beautiful reminder that life goes on. A new day to grow, learn and do. Some days fall to pieces and nothing seems to go right. But then the dawn comes and we are given the chance to pick up the broken bits and move on. In the thick of WWII, Sir Winston Churchill, in an effort to fortify the hope of the Allies said this, "Good night, then: sleep to gather strength for the morning. For the morning will come. Brightly it will shine on the brave and true, kindly upon all who suffer for the cause, glorious upon the tombs of heroes. Thus will shine the dawn." I think that what a sunrise truly means is never give up. Even when the storms of life are raging, don't lose heart. Just because you can't see the sun through the clouds doesn't mean it's not there.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Sweet Simplicity
Originally uploaded by satis verborum
Have you ever noticed the beautiful simplicity of a flower? A while back I came to the realization that everyday things are really quite extraordinary. The simple is beautiful, the plain is unique and the ordinary is amazing. We live in a spectacular world of golden sunrises, fluffy clouds and twinkling stars. And what's even better is that each day presents something new! We can have gentle rains one day and another perfect picnic weather. Fog in the morning and the Milky Way stretched across the sky at night. Ordinary? I think not.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Spring Is Here!

Three Daffodils
Originally uploaded by satis verborum
I absolutely LOVE Spring! All the gorgeous colors and unique shapes of the flowers remind me what an awesome God I serve. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." How true that is! When I see flowers like the daffodils above, and I peer into their happy faces, I know that a loving Creator formed them. Happy Spring!