Wednesday, October 29, 2008

{mini reunion or bust}

Last weekend my family traveled to Kansas City to go to the Homeschool Alumni Midwest Mini Reunion. I've been a member of HSA for a couple of years now and haven't been able to make it to one of the national reunions. So when I saw the MO mini reunion posted on the event board I was thrilled. And then ecstatic when I told my dear father about it and he said "we're going" before I even had a chance to ask. Late Friday morning we set off for our destination. About mid afternoon we reached the Cabela's store in KC and decided to stop and stretch our legs, again. I always enjoy going into Cabela's and looking around. While we were there we bumped into some other homeschoolers but they were not HSAers. Being homeschooled turns on some radar that allows you to pick up on other homeschoolers. No kidding. Anyway, then it was off to the campground to set up the tent before heading to HQ a.k.a. one of the other HSAers house that was hosting the event. We were the last ones in because of how long it took to just pick out a campsite. *sighs* But supper was cooking and the house was warm and inviting which was welcome relief after putting up a tent in the cooling temps of a Fall afternoon. After supper there was a Boggle tournament and other games plus lots of talking and laughter. I had a hard time staying awake and at one point had dozed off for a couple of seconds. But then a couple of friends shook the couch to make sure I would stay awake. Thanks guys. Needless to say I am not a night owl. I'm not exactly sure when we girls crawled into our sleeping bags (my parents had already left for the campground) but it was about 1 in the morning. Whew! Saturday was packed with activities. In the morning we went on a 3.8 mile hike around the lake at the local state park.
"The road goes ever on and on..."
Someone in our group decided to take a little detour and we thought he would catch back up before long so we didn't wait. Back at the parking lot and eating our picnic lunch he still hadn't shown up. So then we were worried. Just as we were planning a rescue mission he walked up. No Chris, we're not going to let you live this one down. Then it was off to the WWI museum in Kansas City.
Here's our reflection on the glass walk over the field of poppies and you can see the tower, too.
Very interesting and informative. Lots of artifacts, most of them original, to view. After that we dashed back to HQ to throw some grub down the hatch and change before the dance. It was my very first ECD and I loved it.
Here we are before the dance. Aren't mirrors handy for taking pictures!
Sorry to those whose toes I stepped on. We laughed 'til it hurt, which wasn't very hard. We danced The Hole in the Wall, the Gay Gordon, the Virginia Reel and another one I'm not sure of it's name.
The white blur dancing with the blue blur is yours truly.
Note to self: use shutter mode at next dance.
But now I'm hooked and don't know how long I can make it without another dance! When the dance ended it was back to HQ for dessert, more games, laughter and talking. We also had a few surprise visitors. Missionaries from Siam to be precise. There's something wrong with the leg on the last missionary. *laughs* Saturday night we stayed up until 2! I was able to remain awake a lot easier though. Sunday morning we had a time of scripture reading and prayer. Then my family left right before lunch and headed home. I wish it could have gone on forever. But life called and said it was time to get back to work. Bummer. Now I'm already thinking about next year...
Thanks to all my homeschool family for the wonderful memories made this weekend. We won't easily forget them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

{too cute}

I just had to share this. There's a gal at our church that is pregnant with her first child and I decided to knit a baby sweater for her. So I set off looking for a pattern. 1) it had to be free, 2) it had to be cute with a hipness about it and 3) be easy. I found a few patterns but narrowed it down to the Berroco "Baby Picchu." Well I finished it yesterday. I knit it in a different yarn than called for and didn't knit it exactly as the instructions called for. I only changed a couple of rows though, so that is why it doesn't look just like the one in the pattern pic. Here it is in pieces...

Drumroll please....ta-da! Sorry about the lighting being different.

And another angle. Thanks to my dear mother for crocheting the flower and the button loop. My very first sweater project, baby ones count too you know, completed. And I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Plus I think it is absolutely darling!